MA International Business

Expanding on the transferrable abilities previously acquired through your undergrad study, this MA worldwide business the board program will give the valuable chance to level up your insight and abilities, and your way to deal with a really worldwide economy.

You'll take a gander at the rising meaning of the worldwide/nearby commercial center, including customary product/import tasks, global development and online business. You'll comprehend worldwide clients and their prerequisites, zeroing in on client relationship the executives, client assistance and multifaceted administration issues related with different global business groups. What's more, you'll find out about Worldwide Business technique advancement, including acquisitions, worldwide associations, worldwide stockpile chains and joint endeavors.

You'll acquire the information to handle complex global issues, both deliberately and imaginatively, enabling you to change and further develop business and the board practice.

  • How are customary product and import tasks evolving?
  • What potential open doors does web based business bring to organizations?
  • How are global clients' necessities met?

Concentrating on our lords in worldwide business the board program will foster both the center and expert abilities you really want to advance your profession in administration and the executives on a worldwide scale.

Intakes: September, January, May
Duration: 1 years
Awarded Qualification: MA International Business
Delivery: Weekdays, evenings and/or weekends
Locations: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds